
Hurrah for #1 School
The school that we love best
The school that has the spirit
It's as good as all the rest*
It has the grandest teachers
The finest pupils too
Hurrah for #1 School
We give three cheers to you!

*Original text was "It's better than all the rest" but P.C. set in early at old #1, and it was apparently felt preferrable to teach us to strive for mediocrity than to risk hurting the feelings of other schools' students despite the fact that they (1) would probably never hear the song and (2) were patently inferior.


Dave said...

Ezra, My hat is off to you for establishing this site! I invite all former Number Oners to leave a comment and hopefully your email address so we can establish contact. Mine is
Dave Garretson, Class of '66

Richard Rockford said...

As I recall, the song had the lines, "Our work has not been easy, In fields we have our fun". Some seventh graders found this quite naughty.