How thick is the ice?

Needed to be 6" thick before they'd open the pond at Cobbs Hill (Lake Riley) for ice skating. Imagine this place with snow around it.


Orrin Terry said...

So this is where I learned to skate. My mother still remembers sitting in the car watching me doing my best 'Buster Keaton' imitation and laughing hysterically at my pratfalls until I was finally able to stand up and glide a few feet. If no skating any more, is that because of global warming and not enough ice or just the liability issue? Back then, one had to have a modicum of common sense and not skate too close to that one area that always had water bubbling up through a hole in the ice. DUH!

Anonymous said...

I used to love to skate here. It's too bad that kids can't do that anymore.
I remember going inside to warm up and buying hot chocolate.
It was often crowded - a popular spot in the Winter.

Anonymous said...

I loved skating there! We'd bring our skates to school and go afterwards. We used to do crack-the-whip, though we weren't supposed to. I can remember hearing the Rolling Stones, Motown and other music of the time on the loud speaker, going in to warm up and then out we went again!